I've always loved this photo!
I've been reading the Gorsuch catalog for years and this photo used to be on the back cover. Of course, I saved a copy of it but it became lost over the years. To my surprise it turned up in a vendor catalog recently. I had to share it with you.
The bed is from Genessee River Trading Company ($2025-$2800) and the area rug is from New River Trading Company and is available custom in any size or colorway. I'm not sure about the bedding, but I think it came from Traditions. The old oil painting, folk art painted Tyrolean armoire and the various other small antiques add to the charm of the room, don't you think? I love to mix new and old together like this. It gives rooms more character.
Items from Genesee River Trading Company, New River Trading Company and Traditions can be ordered through Dragonfly Designs. Call 530 583-6076 or email dragonflytahoe@att.net for inquiries.