Painted Willow

A lot of mountain cabin owners enjoy bent willow furniture.  I see it in many of the cabins I'm in and out of.  We used to have a big old dusty truck that would drive around Lake Tahoe, all summer long, packed to the high heavens with every form of willow furnishings imaginable.  It would pull to the side of the road and folks would buy the stuff right off the truck.
I think willow furniture can be very charming, especially when the cushions are comfortable and carefully attended to, such as in the chaise below:
Chaise from Willows at Home

But I like it even more when willow furniture is painted a bright color like this adorable red willow settee:
Aren't the vine and leaf details on the front boards of the settee winning?  There's something so lovely about the rustic furnishings, flooring and wood trim in this room contrasting with the finished details of the wallpaper, trimmed out curtains and bench cushions and toss pillows.  I love this rustic vs. refined cabin look.

Nothing like a can of red paint in the perfect shade!

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